With the weekend just gone feeling very much like cricket weather, the Arkley committee wanted to share a news update and some dates for the diary. Please note our first game is on Saturday 26th April at home in Chandos Avenue (all fixture details are available on the Arkley website)
League Cricket
2025 is going to be the inaugural season that sees Arkley join the Saracens Herts. League. Voted for by members at the AGM in 2023, we have been working away in the background lining everything up to participate. Mervyn is busily contacting people and ticking the boxes to have players registered on the Play-Cricket website so we are in tip top shape for our first game. We have been placed in Division 14 east and have 9 home and 9 away fixtures, starting at home on the 10th May.
This is a seminal moment in the club’s history. We will need everyone’s help and support to make this first season a success. Our ethos doesn’t change as a club regarding being fair and participation for all. Dee Hirani will be in touch soon requesting your availability.
Ground Force Day – Saturday 5th April
To help get the ground ready for the season, we are hosting a Ground Force Day on Saturday 5th April from 11.30am. The aim will be to primarily paint the sight screens and roll the square. We will provide paint brushes etc. Barnet council have provided a manual roller for us to be getting on with, we are aiming to raise the funds to purchase a mechanical roller through this year. Equipment will be provided (weather permitting) and if we can get enough people there, we may even be enough time for a preseason outdoor net! Please let Nick know if you are able or unable to come along and help.
Quiz Night – Friday 11th April
As part of the fund-raising effort, we are proposing to run another Arkley Quiz Night on Friday 11th April, 8pm start. Venue is Old Owens Sports Club in Potters Bar. All welcome, tickets are £20 and includes an authentic Thai meal as well as a raffle on the night. Please contact Mervyn to RSVP.
Indoor Nets – Thursdays @ 8pm, Mill Hill School
Nets are on-going. Please contact Dee Hirani if you want to go along.
Fixture Cards
These will be sent through Royal Mail by the end of March. If you have an update to your address, please let Mervyn know asap.
If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to contact any member of the committee