Arkley Cricket Club News story

2016 Season

28 Mar 2016

Dear All,

The 2016 cricket season is nearly upon us. We start on 23rd April at Chandos vs Bloomsbury Royals. All fixtures have been updated on the website and can be viewed here <>

You'll notice all home games now start at 1.30pm. This was agreed at the AGM in an attempt to finish a little earlier and get a bit longer in the pub. It will also help with daylight in the early and latter parts of the season. 

The Roy Watts Memorial Game vs Roving Reporters is the only exception with a 1.00pm start. This was a big success last year until the heavens opened in the second innings. Hopefully we cant be that unlucky twice. We are encouraging all members to make themselves available and even if not available to play, to come down and support and help make the day a special one. 

Lastly we have decided Cricket Force day will happen again on the 9th April. This is the day where we will under take ground maintenance including painting the sight screens, rolling the wicket and clearing the brambles. Please come down and chip in even if only for a short while. Some of us will start down there from 12.00pm. 

Hope to see you all soon.
